Mathematical Modelling at the University of Manchester

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News - 18 July 2023

On July 3, the University of Manchester hosted an event focused on Mathematical Modelling. Four year 12 A level Maths students had the opportunity to attend workshops that showcased the practical applications of Mathematics in various real-world scenarios. The workshops aimed to introduce students to the concept of Mathematical Modelling and its significance in solving complex problems.

The event kicked off with a workshop on cryptography, presented by Louise Walker. Students delved into the world of secure communication and discovered how Mathematics plays a crucial role in encrypting and decrypting secret information. The workshop highlighted the importance of Mathematical techniques in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data.

Another workshop titled "Toppling Bridges - Overhangs and Overtures" was conducted by Mike Baxter. This session explored the Mathematical aspects of designing and constructing block towers with impressive overhangs. The workshop also drew intriguing connections between Mathematics and classical music, showcasing the interdisciplinary nature of Mathematical Modelling.

Chris Robbins facilitated a workshop on simulation, challenging students to tackle stochastic problems that involve randomness. Through examples like predicting the length of a queue for toilets at a music festival and analysing its growth, students learnt how stochastic processes can defy deterministic Mathematics.

To conclude the event, the students were divided into groups and tasked with preparing presentations to be delivered to students from visiting colleges. This exercise allowed them to apply their newfound knowledge of Mathematical Modelling and effectively communicate its practical implications to their peers.

Eren Coelho Akcora expressed their enthusiasm, stating, "It was really good," highlighting the positive impact of the event on their learning experience. Saeed Mahar found the sessions engaging and commended the professors for their enthusiasm, describing the event as an excellent introduction to new areas of mathematics that can be further explored at the university level.