Rochdale Sixth Form College celebrates the class of 2022

Rochdale Sixth Form College recently hosted their annual celebration evening on Wednesday 14th December 2022.
The evening was a great opportunity for students and staff to get together to celebrate their collective success over the past two years; former students were invited to Rochdale Sixth Form College for the presentation of some special awards and to receive their official exam certificates.
The presentation of awards opened with a welcome speech from Altus Education Partnership CEO, Richard Ronksley, who highly praised the class of 2022 for their accomplishments and for achieving an impressive set of results with a pass rate of 99 percent.
As the awards commenced, three students were recognised by the college for their outstanding achievements: Elizabeth Bishop, Saad Hussain Nasreen, and Farah Khan.
The ‘Outstanding Contribution’ award went to Farah Khan in recognition for her hard work in the classroom and for her unwavering dedication to the Student Union, in which she was the Vice President.
Student Performance & Development Leader, Sarah Turner said: “Farah was an intrinsic part of the college Student Union throughout year 12 and 13. Her dedication as SU Vice President was outstanding and exemplary. Farah is an inspiration to both students and staff alike.”
The ‘Outstanding Dedication’ award went to Saad Hussain Nasreen for his determination and consistency across all subjects.
Teacher of Physics, Dan Mawson, commented: “Saad was one of the hardest working students in the entire year, constantly bringing undergraduate level questions to me to help him with. Saad worked tirelessly both in and outside of lessons and there is nobody that deserved the A* more. He was also incredibly kind and polite. All in all, Saad is one of the most dedicated but also emotionally intelligent students that I've taught.”
The 2022 ‘Student of the Year’ award was awarded to Elizabeth Bishop. A number of staff at the college spoke very highly of Elizabeth, applauding her work ethic and resilience.
Student Performance & Development Leader, Sarah Stroud commented that: “Elizabeth maintained 100% attendance and left with A*AA. Elizabeth has a real love of learning and a tireless approach to her studies. She demonstrated real determination and resilience to take her through year 13. I haven’t come across many students with Elizabeth’s resolve and enthusiasm, and this makes her a more than worthy winner for the Student of the Year award. It has been an absolute pleasure to walk beside her every step of the way.”
Elizabeth’s teacher of Law, Kiran Batool, said: “Elizabeth was one of the top students in the Law cohort and certainly the student who showed the most interest in the subject. Every lesson, Elizabeth asked a range of questions ensuring that she: understood the content; corrected any misconceptions she held from previous lessons, and that she satisfied her desire to know as much as she could do about a subject that she clearly enjoyed.”
English subject leader, Nathan Camps, commented: “Elizabeth’s dedication and commitment to her studies in English Literature was outstanding. Her performance was exceptional in every lesson and she consistently achieved the highest grades every week, in every assessment. Elizabeth also made superb contributions to lessons.”
CEO Richard Ronksley said: “The evening was a wonderful celebration of students’ achievements and also marked the next stage of their lives; moving on to newer and greater things: university, apprenticeship or employment. Our students really are the future, and I know whatever challenges they face they will overcome them, and make the world a better place in a thousand different ways.”
Rochdale Sixth Form College would like to thank all of the students who joined together to celebrate the successes of the class of 2022.